Do you dream of being a calm, present, regulated person, who can handle YOUR own emotions and skillfully handle your partner’s and/or children’s emotions? Feel confident that you are passing on a secure attachment style to your babies and setting them up for a lifetime of happy, fulfilling, healthy relationships with you and others in their lives.

Learn to have healthy relationships. communicate with ease and with intention with your partner. Regulate emotions gracefully. Love yourself. 

You wish you could confidently feel like you are good enough and worthy of healthy, secure relationships.

This Is For You If...

You want to be able to stay calm and grounded and know how to navigate your big emotions.

This Is For You If...

You want to feel in control of your reactions and your emotions.

this is for you if...

You long to let go of mom guilt and stop feeling overstimulated by the day to day of motherhood. 

This Is For You If...

It’s important to you to heal your wounds so you can pass on healthy patterns to your kids. 

This Is For You If...

You aim to be a steady, emotionally solid mama and partner in your family. 

this is for you if...

You want to release trust issues that trip you up with your partner and set off the emotional spiral that makes it so tough to just be present and enjoy marriage and motherhood.

This Is For You If...

You’d like to trust yourself in parenting and feel like you have ample capacity to meet your family’s needs while also taking care of and advocating for your needs.

this is for you if...

I’ve been through the ups and downs (mostly downs, let's be real) of anxious attachment. And I’ve also walked alongside countless women who struggled for years and years with their anxious attachment style so they could heal the wounds keeping them stuck in unhealthy, unfulfilling patterns in their relationships. 

I've Been there too...

What if you could…
  • Feel confident that your kids consistently feel loved and safe, even in their tougher moments
  • Learn how to teach your kids how to experience, express and communicate their emotions skillfully
  • Feel confident that your kids get to experience a steady, grounded mama who can share her calm nervous system with them to teach them that no matter what emotion they are feeling, mama is there and they are safe. 

For my anxiously attached mamas:

  • You knew what your triggers were and why you had them
  • You responded rather than reacted to your emotions with skills and intention 
  •  You learned to be aware of and communicate your needs to your partner skillfully 
  •  You believed and trusted that your needs are important and that others will meet them
  •  You genuinely felt love and compassion for yourself and could provide nurturing care towards yourself. 
  •  You stopped engaging in unhelpful relationship patterns and instead fostered patterns that strengthened and improved your relationships, even in times of conflict or disagreement
  •  You felt secure, loved and safe in your relationships 

Imagine if...

It Starts With Your Healing

You can learn how to regulate your emotions with your partner and with your kids, you can calm the emotional intensity, be aware of your triggers before it’s too late and know how to prevent these types of emotional outbursts.

Anxious To Secure: Healing Your Anxious Attachment Group Coaching Program

introducing the...

Benefit from group coaching calls to help you integrate the course material and be supported by myself and other women in the course. 

Learn to enjoy relationships, marriage & motherhood without worrying about passing along your anxious attachment style to your little ones.

  • You will learn to identify your patterns and triggers so that you can learn how to handle them differently and create new INTENTIONAL patterns.

  • You’ll learn new coping strategies and skills that give you the choice to behave in an intentional grounded way. 

  • You will walk away with self compassion and self awareness about why you behave the way you do so that you can respond to yourself in a loving, compassionate, nurturing way. 

Ultimately you will learn to move yourself from an anxious attachment style to a more secure attachment style so that you understand and love yourself, show up to your relationships with less anxiety and fear, handle your emotions skillfully and thoughtfully, and get to break the cycles of attachment wounds!

  • You’ll learn what you can do to behave in a more grounded, emotionally thoughtful way so that you are no longer emotionally reactive or causing more chaos in your relationships. 

  • You will learn to heal your inner child so you can show up as the mama you were meant to be with your own kids. 

  • You will be able to identify patterns in yourself and your partner so you can communicate more effectively and choose different behaviors. 

I spent years healing my own anxious attachment style before finding my amazing husband, only to find out that once I became a mom–all sorts of new anxious attachment triggers and issues surfaced that I had NO idea were there. I know what it is like to feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, and dysregulated. When I first became a mom, my emotions were running the show. It brought up so much shame and guilt for me! . I had to dive straight back into my anxious attachment work. Now I have found a way to show up as a calm, available, grounded, secure mama to my babies and to my husband. I want to share this with you so you can feel confident in the way you are being with your kids and your spouse. 

I am a licensed professional counselor and coach specializing in helping women with their anxious attachment. 

Hi. I'm Hannah.

Anxiety Therapist @sitwithkelly

 Kelly McKenna

“As a therapist, I’ve seen firsthand the struggles of anxious attachment in mothers. Hannah’s program tackles this head-on, equipping moms with practical tools to heal their own anxieties and build secure bonds with their babies. It’s a comprehensive program offering deep understanding and actionable strategies – a true gift for any mom seeking to break the cycle and raise secure, happy children.”

Kind words

Each week you’ll be assigned a module(s) that will help you heal your anxious attachment style. We'll meet weekly on Friday's for 45 minutes on Zoom over the course of 8-weeks. I’ll share my years of wisdom as a therapist and coach and formerly anxious attached wife and mama to help you heal. You will get to build community and support with the other women in the course as well. 

Weekly sessions start Friday May 17th, 2024 at 1p. 

Week 1: Understanding Anxious Attachment & Learning the Origin of Your Attachment Wounds
Week 2: Understanding Your Triggers and Patterns in Relationships
Week 3: Learning Emotion Regulation and Self-Care 
Week 4: Cultivating Self-Love and Appreciation
Week 5: Setting Boundaries
Week 6: Communication Skills
Week 7: Creating Healthy Relationships in Marriage and Motherhood
Week 8: Keeping the growth going and integrating what you’ve learned

A look inside the 8-WEEK program:

  • 8 45-minute group coaching calls via Zoom to support and heal attachment wounds and create a secure attachment style. Group coaching calls give you the benefit of building community with women just like you who get it–while also getting time to ask questions and explore the material from the week with me. I know the healing process accelerates when you are not doing it alone!  (Valued at $1997)

  • 8 weeks of recorded lessons, with lifetime access, so you can learn where your anxious attachment comes from and how to heal it. These recorded lessons provide you with everything you need–and nothing you don't– to create a secure attachment style. Bite-size video lessons make it convenient to learn with your busy schedule. (Valued at $1997)

  • Tons of valuable handouts and worksheets to aid in self-awareness and skill development (Valued at $497)

  • Guided visualizations by Hannah to increase self-compassion and healing your inner child (Valued at ($497)


  • Skills for an improved relationship/marriage

  • Knowledge and understanding of your attachment style and attachment theory (basically WHY you behave the way you do)

  • Deep self-awareness of YOUR attachment triggers and patterns of behavior in relationships

  • New skills and coping strategies to handle your triggers in a calm, intentional way, to regulate your emotions, to learn to calm and soothe yourself

  • A new sense of deep self-compassion and love that allows you to heal your inner child and attachment wounds

  • Learn the skills to model and teach your children how to navigate and cope with big emotions

  • Confidence to be a responder rather than a reactor in your relationships with your partner and kids.

  • The ability to identify and ask for your needs so you can take care of yourself in order to come to relationships, marriage and motherhood with a full cup. (No more pouring from an empty cup because you feel like your needs don't matter or make you selfish)

  • Feel a sense of calm and trust in your ability to create secure bonds with your kids because you KNOW you are healthy and secure

  • A new outlook on motherhood

  • A more secure attachment style!

If this sounds like what you need, let’s schedule a free 15-minute discovery call now!


3 monthly payments


Pay In Full

Let’s chat for 15 minutes and find out if this program is for you


I TOTALLY get this!!! As a mom, it’s hard to even get a shower in, let alone take an entire course! That’s why I designed the course as an 8 module course with small, bite-sized lessons. Each lesson’s video is typically between 3-10 minutes long. The activities can be done whenever fits your schedule. There will be weekly 45-minute group calls which gives you a whole week to watch and complete the modules.

How long will this take? I'm so busy!!


Yes, it can help with anxiety, especially anxiety that interferes with your relationship, marriage or being a mama. This course will teach you tons of skills to help you regulate your anxiety better, communicate with your loved ones more effectively, It will help you identify the negative stories you hold about yourself and others that cause your anxiety and teach you how to change them so you are not stuck in anxious spirals!

Will this help with anxiety too or just attachment stuff?


Yes, Yes, YES!!! Thankfully attachment styles are TOTALLY changeable. With this course, you will have the road map to begin to change your attachment style. Starting with education about attachment styles and increasing self-awareness of YOUR own attachment history, patterns, triggers, and behaviors, then moving into learning ALL the skills to change the way you react, communicate, and think about relationships and yourself–you will see your anxious attachment style move towards secure!

Can I actually change my attachment style?


Frequently Asked Questions

Our Zoom calls will be held Fridays at 1p-1:45p MTN time each week.

When will the calls be?


Your partner can help by agreeing to be patient with you as you are learning new things about yourself and new coping strategies to try out. Partners can also help by learning some of the material you are learning as well. Teaching someone else is one of the best ways to learn and integrate new information–so feel free to talk to your partner about what you are learning! 

Or How can my partner help with this?


While much of the attachment work in this course is individual; our partners' support is very helpful. During this course you will be learning new ways of responding, communicating, and coping with emotions. Having the support of your partner will help reinforce these new skills and behaviors–creating a healthy pattern for you and your relationship. If you don’t have a partner that is totally fine! This is actually a GREAT time to work healing your anxious attachment wounds because it will change your dating behaviors for the future.

Can I heal my anxious attachment without help from my partner? 


This program is very active and structured. One of the most exciting and healing components of the program is the weekly group coaching calls. This allows you to connect with other women who are going through similar things and get personalized feedback and support. The video lessons, activities and worksheets that are included allow you to take a deep dive into your attachment history, behaviors and patterns. There are also guided visualizations provided that help you connect vividly with your younger self. 

I’ve been in therapy for years and still feel anxiously attached. How will this be different?


Of course!!! Bring your newborn! Due to the likelihood that people may be discussing sensitive experiences or topics during the coaching calls, I suggest having childcare arranged for any children that are no longer infants.

I’m a nursing mama, can I have my baby come to the calls with me?


Got more Qs? Let’s chat! 

BECOME Secure in dating, relationships, marriage,  & Motherhood